So many people are thinking outside the box that thinking outside the box may now require me to venture back into my box to actually think outside that monstrous box everyone has created by thinking outside their box.
Why should I think outside the box when the inside of my box is still unexplored?
My box is still mainly unexplored because I have not ventured outside the box sufficiently to look into the box.
Now that I have succumbed to packaging our opinions in boxes, it has become rather confusing over which boxes I should venture out from and which I should venture into.
I feel the idea of thinking-outside-the-box has become rather over-prescribed. Hmmm ... need to think outside the box to find a better object from which to think outside.
Asking if a glass is half full or half empty is only helpful for people who tend to experience motivational dyslexia. A box, into which, all of us seem to have misplaced ourselves.
Is your box half full, half empty or full of crap?
My box is still mainly unexplored because I have not ventured outside the box sufficiently to look into the box.
Now that I have succumbed to packaging our opinions in boxes, it has become rather confusing over which boxes I should venture out from and which I should venture into.
I feel the idea of thinking-outside-the-box has become rather over-prescribed. Hmmm ... need to think outside the box to find a better object from which to think outside.
Asking if a glass is half full or half empty is only helpful for people who tend to experience motivational dyslexia. A box, into which, all of us seem to have misplaced ourselves.
Is your box half full, half empty or full of crap?
To box or not to box: that is the begging question.
For here or to go?
If I had to choose between snack and TV, the quick brownie box trumps over Boston's Red Sox.
My boxicle/cubicle is like a grocery store.
I am always encouraged to think and act outside the box but whenever I do try I am being yelled at by the same people because outside my box is inside theirs while inside my box is outside theirs.
There must be a box that defines what it means to think outside the box.
Think as though everything exists outside the box but act as though everything exists inside the box.
Grass is always greener, steaks are always juicier on the other side of the box.
Wife to husband - Why are there so many boxes in the garage?
Husband to wife - Why are there so many boxes in the attic?
Parent to child - Why are there so many boxes in the basement?
Who left this stink'n box in my thinking space?
I think that thinking in terms of boxes is detrimental to society.
Is that why they call them boxers?
Therapee to therapist:
I seem to have misplaced the box outside of which I was thinking.
Coach to heavy-weight championship contender:
Think outside the box.
My hobby had been to collect boxes of all sorts. I gave up because I just didn't have a box large enough to contain all of them.
Strangers in delight exchanging ideas wondering what's insight.
Strangers in the night exchanging boxers wondering what's inside.
When we do, do we all think outside the same box or different boxes?
When we do, do we have to think outside the same box all the time?
Where can I find an appropriate box to think outside of?
Should I be thinking about things found outside the box or could I be outside the box thinking what's inside?
The parable of the merchant and the box:
The kingdom of heaven is akin to the case where a rich merchant had travelled over many lands and finds a box. He then decides to sell all he has to buy the box. However, when he opens it, he finds he had to think outside the box.
Suggestion of names for towns - Boxford, Boxfort, Boxbridge, Boxham, Boxington, Boxcester, Boxland, Boxmouth, Boxton, Boxburg, Boxhill, Boxfield, Boxkill, Boxgrad, Boxdad, Boxcow, Boxport, Boxworth, Boxville, Boxhamton, Boxkarta, Boxchiminh, Boxbay, Los Boxantos, Boxico, Boxgow, Boxelona, Boxfurt, Boxberra, Boxillia, San Boxe, Boxwana, Boxlin, Ulan Boxtor, Boxmandu, Boxtown, Boxadishu, Boxes Salaam, Abox Dhabi, Boxiskistan, Port-au-Box, Boxdrid, Boxapore, Boxenhagen, Box Kong, Cape of Box Hope, Kuala Lumbox, Taibox, Boxage, Boxtawa.
There's a town in Massachusetts called Boxborough.
Boxie Chicks - possibly up and coming female country group.
Bruce Boxsteen - the Boxx of rock.
Boxed in the USA - His new top-charting hit.
Boxilla - possibly new Japanese movie about giant montrous box attacking Tokyo.
Snow White and the Seven Boxes.
Jack and the Box Stock.
When Will Carlin Print His Box Plots?
Jack and Jill went in the box
To fetch a stale of ideas.
What was Schrodinger's cat doing inside the box?
- To illustrate the phenomena.
What was Schrodinger's cat thinking inside the box?
- To be hypothetically dead or alive but famous.
What was Schrodinger thinking having a cat inside the box?
- Inside the box.
What would the SPCA/Humane Society think of Schrodinger's cat in the box?
- Put the fr'kin cat outside the box.
I am always encouraged to think and act outside the box but whenever I do try I am being yelled at by the same people because outside my box is inside theirs while inside my box is outside theirs.
There must be a box that defines what it means to think outside the box.
Think as though everything exists outside the box but act as though everything exists inside the box.
Grass is always greener, steaks are always juicier on the other side of the box.
Wife to husband - Why are there so many boxes in the garage?
Husband to wife - Why are there so many boxes in the attic?
Parent to child - Why are there so many boxes in the basement?
Who left this stink'n box in my thinking space?
I think that thinking in terms of boxes is detrimental to society.
Is that why they call them boxers?
Therapee to therapist:
I seem to have misplaced the box outside of which I was thinking.
Coach to heavy-weight championship contender:
Think outside the box.
My hobby had been to collect boxes of all sorts. I gave up because I just didn't have a box large enough to contain all of them.
Strangers in delight exchanging ideas wondering what's insight.
Strangers in the night exchanging boxers wondering what's inside.
When we do, do we all think outside the same box or different boxes?
When we do, do we have to think outside the same box all the time?
Where can I find an appropriate box to think outside of?
Should I be thinking about things found outside the box or could I be outside the box thinking what's inside?
The parable of the merchant and the box:
The kingdom of heaven is akin to the case where a rich merchant had travelled over many lands and finds a box. He then decides to sell all he has to buy the box. However, when he opens it, he finds he had to think outside the box.
Suggestion of names for towns - Boxford, Boxfort, Boxbridge, Boxham, Boxington, Boxcester, Boxland, Boxmouth, Boxton, Boxburg, Boxhill, Boxfield, Boxkill, Boxgrad, Boxdad, Boxcow, Boxport, Boxworth, Boxville, Boxhamton, Boxkarta, Boxchiminh, Boxbay, Los Boxantos, Boxico, Boxgow, Boxelona, Boxfurt, Boxberra, Boxillia, San Boxe, Boxwana, Boxlin, Ulan Boxtor, Boxmandu, Boxtown, Boxadishu, Boxes Salaam, Abox Dhabi, Boxiskistan, Port-au-Box, Boxdrid, Boxapore, Boxenhagen, Box Kong, Cape of Box Hope, Kuala Lumbox, Taibox, Boxage, Boxtawa.
There's a town in Massachusetts called Boxborough.
Boxie Chicks - possibly up and coming female country group.
Bruce Boxsteen - the Boxx of rock.
Boxed in the USA - His new top-charting hit.
Boxilla - possibly new Japanese movie about giant montrous box attacking Tokyo.
Snow White and the Seven Boxes.
Jack and the Box Stock.
When Will Carlin Print His Box Plots?
Jack and Jill went in the box
To fetch a stale of ideas.
What was Schrodinger's cat doing inside the box?
- To illustrate the phenomena.
What was Schrodinger's cat thinking inside the box?
- To be hypothetically dead or alive but famous.
What was Schrodinger thinking having a cat inside the box?
- Inside the box.
What would the SPCA/Humane Society think of Schrodinger's cat in the box?
- Put the fr'kin cat outside the box.
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